Theyyam - artistic head gear of Kerala , India

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Kiritams, the communicative headgear worn by Kathakali dancers, is designed for the role played by the dancers. Every headgear consists of two coronets placed over with two domes having shape of bud, a huge spherical disc at the rear of it that is hold up with a halo amid the coronet and the disc. The headgear is engraved out of wood with every row highlighted with narrowly knit silver beads on top of a red scarlet support. Glass pieces set on aluminium foils, big glass flower petals and tiny silver beads are in the middle.

Artistic Broom and Mat craft of India

Broom making is a tremendously related example of using specific craft skills to produce items of everyday use of the integration of effective and craft method and skill in the hands of artists. Broom creator from village Kamedh in Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, have been producing brooms from the leaves of the khajur or date-palm tree for generations together. 

The of broom making families belong to the Khajurvanshi society. By tradition they produce the broom to earn their bread. Usually neither this is acknowledged as craft nor the broom makers as craftsmen. Nevertheless, the skill necessary to make brooms from date-palm leaves, in addition to the reality that the broom-making families are branched out and also produce a horde of decorative items ultimately getting recognized as crafts person.

Pappu crafts of Leh , India

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Paboos the local shoes are huge shield for feet from severe chill, frost bite and snow of this region. The paboos are prepared of hessian cloth, crude yak hair, worn wool felt, thigma and hair of the pashmina goat. 

Leather is used to make sole, the hessian cloth and woolen felt are sew up collectively to build the bottom of the shoe. The rude hair spun into skinny rope is stitched jointly with the help of needle and used to erect the sides of the shoe.

Reed Mats of Tamil Nadu

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A reed is a grass with firm void stem which is very much similar to bamboo. It is a strong material and reed mats are used as fortifications for structure and roof. The reed is first ripped and cleaned before it is woven in twill knit into mats. 

It is made starting at one corner and weaving is done cross ways. Elongated strips are folded at the center and one more strip is inserted diagonally, which is sequentially folded and then other strip is again put in crosswise and so on. The fold of the crosswise strips gives the formation of the edges of the mat. Reeds are as well used to make very strong baskets.

Gharchola Craft , Gujarat India

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The gharchola is the conventional Hindu and Jain wedding sari and the figures of squares in it is by ritual significant, being multiples of nine, 12, or 52. The creation of the gharchola is a complex and time consuming procedure. A starched silk odhni or sari is set to a huge wooden frame by means of nails. The sari/odhini, tinted red or green, is alienated into a set-up of squares by rows of white tie dyed spots or woven bands of zari. Patterns inside each compartment vary from elephants, parrots, and flowers to dance girls.

Paddy Craft of Orissa , India

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The paddy craft of Orissa is a languish craft which is accomplished in the district of Koraput, Kalahandi, Balasore and Bolangir. The tribes of Ghond who have been trivialized and have taken to agriculture are the chief expert of the craft. Rice is a representation of affluence and so the goddess Lakshmi is prevalent and prepared by the artisans. Other themes include cart, chariot, elephant and other idols and deity. The majority objects crafted have an relationship amid religion.

Thread Craft of Orissa , India

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Coloured paper on which little iron nails are set is the raw material for this crafts. The foundation is the board by means of nails and required design and pattern are race out of thread. Subject for the craft are religious and figures of birds, floral and many more. Deities like Jagannatha can as well be observed.

Namda / gabbas exclusive crafts of Jammu and Kashmir, India

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Namda / Felting are supple textures rugs finished of felt are used in local regions for floor covering. Craft work is done with stunning embroidery with dyed woolen threads having the floral, folksy and geometrical design.

Druggets are very brilliantly crafted from the wastage of woolen and cotton. Gabbas are the other kind of floor covering prepared out of old blankets. Applique work is the attractiveness of these gabbas.

Woolen shoes of Manipur , India

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Woolen Shoes of Manipur The women of Manipur prepare hand knitted pure wool shoes which are multicoloured and the sole attached underneath. These shoes having no definite designs protect from chilly weather. The handmade shoes are soft, light weight and very portable.

Jute Craft products of India

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The subtropical area of Asia, especially India, Bangladesh and China is most admired for jute. Jute is achieved from the fiber of a plant that grows in temperate moist climate of West Bengal. Jute is the second most admired natural plant fiber and is obtainable in plenty. The fiber is weaved into threads which are used to make rags and cloths. The clean fiber, threads and the rags are the raw materials to make stunning craft products like the bags, rags, carpets, wall hangings, footwear, coasters, jewelry, show pieces and many more.

Straw Picture Craft of India

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The job is finished on a cardboard covered with crepe silk or khadi cloth. Sketch outline is initially done on the crepe board and then the paddy strands are placed next to the lines of the sketch. Colour selected is shady brown to brownish yellow.

Mats and baskets of West Bengal, India

Mahishyas, the weavers of Midnapore in the south part of West Bengal are expert in weaving the most admired mats Madur. Weaving is done on a simple frame of bamboo. Warpped with cotton thread and the weft is a thin spongy reed known as madur kathi. Midnapore craftsmen create three kind of madur mats. 

These are ak rokha which are light madur kathi weft. Dui rokha is thicker and is more appropriate and comfy and both are easily portable. Masland is a textured mat on which the craftsmen design geometrical patterns on the borders. These designs are painted with the shade of magenta. The craftsmen of West Bengal design coiled baskets. 

The warp and the weft are made to mingle in various ways. A design of twill is achieved by the skilled crafts-person. Coiled baskets are prepared with a tall flowering grass known as Keshe or Kash. Basketry craft is done for generations together. Palm leaf mats are very brilliantly designed at IIambazar, Birbhum by the women folks. These mats have colourful geometrical motif and coloured with green, blue and magenta.

Phulam Japi the Hats of Assam, India

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Japi is the conventional bamboo sun shade used to defend oneself from the scorching sun rays. Japis are finely decorated with a stunning red background. Artisans design a lot of motifs and the common things are the butterfly in diverse size and crescent moon. Japis are in addition decorated with false jewels.

hand looms and Tribal Craft of Tripura , India

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Tribals of Tripura are very affectionate of dressing up in their unique identity of design and yarned clothes. The tribals have been very involved in maintenance of the aged system of traditional looms active in this area. These tribals have conserved the art of hand looms unharmed by passing it further on into generations. It is believed the selection of tribal bride is done on the basis of the information she has on the weaving or till the period she is not thorough she will not get married. The tribals organize their individual clothing which they knit at the non commercial looms of the state. They utilize colorful blend and stunning designs on their fabrics. The state moreover runs commercial looms which are largely handled by the people of Manipur and the weavers of

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