Kalamkari - ethnic art of India

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Kalamkari is the art which involves block printing by hand, weaving apart from painting. Figures having round shapes and margin design are the unique type of kalamkari. Hangings for the walls, waist bands, prayer mats, various dress materials like children garments, women’s petticoats, caps are some of the fashionable kalamkari products.
Kalahasti, the tradition that originated in the temple area regularly concentrated on themes of Hindu mythology, epics like Mahabharata, Ramayana, images of Great heroes and Gods of worship. The art accomplished in Masulipatnam is highly influenced by different British, Persian patterns. These cities are the major pillars of the ancient art.
Masulipatnam famous for the typical style for various items like home furnishings, curtains, bedclothes and other items. The traditional Kalahasti style is more significantly applied in wall hangings, materials for dress.
The procedure for the forms is similar apart from that Kalahasti style uses the Kalam ( the pen) and Masulipatnam, by the use of both hand blocks along with kalam. Basic cloth and color are initialy determined, then the cloth is bleached with cow dung and subsequently treated with Myrobalan and solution of milk in order to avoid spreading of color.It is painted by use of iron acetate resist mostly for solid zones and for outlines and alum used as the mordant, natural dyes and colors are used.For the purpose of dying the cloth in different colors wax resist is used. As the process as a whole involves natural ingredients and colors, in this process the art has gained an identity in the domestic as well as global markets.

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