Glass Lamp Shades

Market for / exporters / manufacturers / sellers / suppliers / collectors / wholesale / home products / finishes / designs / manufacturing regions of decorative / glass lamp shades / handicraft Items of India
For the past a lot of years, the amorphous nature of the glass has intrigued and challenged the craft workers who make lamp shades. Perfect for areas where reading and additional activities take place, glass lamp shades are characteristically styled and add to the interiors of home or office.
The power, hardness, elasticity and resistance of glass to thermal shock and scratch have made it a outstanding material to produce lamp shades. Glass lamp shades can take more or less any shape, can be given roughly any color as glass can be coated, blown, molded, cut, combined and ground.

Glass lamp shades hold diverse shades that can have a impressive impact on the lights, as it have an effect on overall scale, strength, and pattern of the light. Whether simple or elaborate, whether used in regular households or luxurious hotels, these delicate objects of art glass inform about the people who fashioned, traded and used them.

Glass lamp shades are manufactured all the way through India, but the regions that excel in this art form are Moradabad, Jaipur and Delhi.

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