Market / exporters / manufacturers / sellers / suppliers / collectors / wholesale / reproduction / designers of Indian / prices / online delivery / order / Antique / Nautical Instruments / handicrafts of India
High class nautical instruments are antique items that are justly prized by the collectors are now being used as decorative items for homes and offices too. Reproduced traditionally by the Indian artists who have hereditary excel craftsmanship right from the preceding generations; the nautical instruments have succeeded in gaining enormous recognition in the global export market.

The instruments are extremely polished to a striking finish. They uphold superiority in the making and are wholly functional, but not projected for navigation. The exquisite instruments are inlaid with the variety of polished metals.
The instruments set as an evidence of exceptional architectural sophistication and artistic craftsmanship. They are nowadays being used as items of decoration in homes and offices. These decorous and lush nautical products surely offer the décor a comfortable face-lift. Bracing rich historical past, the types of nautical instruments are Clocks / Magnifiers / Compasses / Dividers / Levelers / Octants / Sand timers / Ship bells / Sundial / Telescopes / Telegraphs / Theodities / Clinometers Sextants