Market / exporters / manufacturers / sellers / suppliers / collectors / wholesale / home products / finishes / prices / modern designs / manufacturing regions / online order / shipping of Indian handmade / handicraft Items of India

Cane and bamboo craft in Manipur is an essential element of their each day life. It is a conventional craft and has been practiced from ancient times. Primarily these normal fibres were used to create goods of everyday use. All tribe and community makes material of artistic yet practical use, their talent evolve over centuries of procedure.
Manipur is the second major creator of bamboo products subsequent to Tripura in the north east. A number of the bamboo goods are sofa sets, murhas, mats, basketry, tray, chair, table, flower vase, ashtray and other ornamental and usefulness articles. Bamboo and cane is as well used in housing, fencing and even garments. Mainly products of the plains are of commercial utilized like the baskets and the fishing traps. The hills are further into furniture, houses and its equipment etc although many commercial items are also prepared nowadays.