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The tribal belts of Mizoram are Christians and have a convention of crafts. Women are chiefly concerned with weaving and the men are keen on cane and bamboo crafts. Similar to in other states of the hilly north-east, Mizoram too has this raw material in heaps and so the residents of this place are interested in it for times. Mizos, the inhabitants of Mizoram make diverse make use of of this fibre. Dissimilar use include house making and furniture aside from baskets, weaving tools, umbrella handles, mugs, hats, fish baskets, pipes, toys and many more. In furniture they create the lot from sofas to chairs to tables and mooras etc.
The craftsmanship of the Mizos in cane and bamboo is finest display in the diverse shape and dimensions of the baskets that are effortlessly found. Baskets are made for diverse reasons. Broad baskets are intended for cotton, vegetables, firewood etc. The closed baskets are in use for grains. Now and then previous fibres and leaves are as well used together with cane and bamboo.